
What is E-Waste?

We are living in an Electronic Era. Our rate of consumption of electronic resources has increased over the last decade and will continue to rise in the future.

The electronics industry is the world’s largest and fastest-growing industry throughout the whole world. As a consequence of this growth, discarded electronic and electrical equipment or ‘e-waste’ is now the most rapidly growing waste problem in the world.

“E-Waste or electronic waste is a term used to describe discarded electronic or electrical devices which have reached the end of their useful life. These products could be anything right from the electrical and electronic equipment or components.”

Simply put, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) or e-waste is end-of-life electronic and electrical gadgets, in simpler words, broken, surplus, or obsolete gadgets run by electricity. The unsafe and environmentally risky practice adopted by them poses great risks to health and the environment.

E-waste can comprise anything valuable such as gold, copper, aluminum, silver, and palladium, to anything hazardous like lead, cadmium, and mercury. If not taken proper care of, the consequences of disposing of e-waste can lead to toxic emission to water, air, and soil which can eventually cause a precarious environment and health hazards. Thus, proper awareness is important, when it comes to disposing of e-waste.

Thinvent E-Waste Program

In a developing country like India, most E-waste lands up in the informal sector where it is recycled without any consideration of health and environment. We, being responsible citizens here at Thinvent Technologies Pvt. Ltd contribute our share of Environmental Responsibility and aid in taking care of our environment. Hence, we have been incessantly working towards the safe disposal of electronic waste.

As electronic devices contain some perilous constituents under our e-waste policy, we work in synchronization with the E-waste (Management) Rules 2016, a legislation passed by the MoEF & CC, Government of India.

Abiding by all the pertinent laws associated with e-waste management, our Company has been continuously working towards the same. The company has partnered with M/s. BRP Infotech Private Limited, a leading e-waste Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO). Together with M/s. BRP Infotech Private Limited, Thinvent has been doing its best in order to proffer environmentally sound management of electronic devices that have reached their end-of-life.

Working harmoniously with M/s.BRP Infotech Private Limited, Thinvent will make sure that the discarded electronics be managed in a way that there should be no harm to the environment. By doing so, the company ensures that the environment is protected against all the possible hazards of inappropriate waste management.


  • Always look for information on the catalog with your product for end-of-life
    equipment handling.
  • Ensure that only Authorized Recyclers repair and handle your electronic products.
  • Always call our E-waste Authorized Collection centers/points to dispose of
    products that have reached end-of-life.
  • Always drop your used electronic products batteries or any accessories when they
    reach the end of their life at your nearest Authorized E-waste Collection Centers
  • Always disconnect the battery from product and ensure any glass surface is
    protected against breakage.


  • Do not dismantle your electronic products on your own.
  • Do not throw electronics in bins having ‘Do not Dispose of’ sign.
  • Do not give e-waste to informal (Kabbadi) and unorganized sectors like Local
    Scrap Dealer Rag Pickers.
  • Do not dispose of your product in garbage bins along with municipal waste that
    ultimately reaches landfills.

M/s BRP Infotech Private Limited  Collection Points

We have signed an agreement with M/s. BRP Infotech Private Limited, who is an authorized dismantler and recycler having authorization from the Haryana Pollution control board as our new Recycler, who shall be responsible for all the EPR activities including collection transportation storage, segregation and dismantling and recycling with regards to our E-Waste. We will use our recycler Partner’s collection points for the channelization of the e-waste. We don’t have collection points in all the states but the collection points of neighboring states will collect the e-waste from nearby States. States wise list of collection points are given below:

Details of Collection Points already established by BRP Infotech Private Limited are as follows:

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